As of May 5th, I will have been Lucky for 192 days. So I know that it's not technically May 5th yet but my reason for being lucky is waking up in Jerusalem as I go to bed in Twin Falls, so I thought I'd post a little early.
So some background . . . a couple of days ago I was listening to 192 Days by Eisley.
...and I started wondering when the exact moment I started loving you was...
Well, I finally pinpointed the exact moment to Ghost Stories in the third room where Jenna was performing. We were putting up slides and talking about color and you jumped in with what I was saying. I was really surprised as I listened to you say exactly the right thing as if you were speaking to me. And that's when I realized I loved you. Well, that was October 27th, 2011 so I pulled out my phone and began counting the days. It turns out that 192 days is today for you, and tomorrow for me. And even though I spent most of those days running from, denying feelings for, and unsuccessfully avoiding you, I have spent each of those 192 days (sometimes regrettably but always absolutely) loving you.
This is why I feel so lucky.
*You're my best friend *You make me laugh *I trust you completely *You're open-minded *You waited for me *You're gentle but strong and safe *We spar and wrestle!!! *You're intelligent *You introduced me to folk dancing *You make me want to be better *You call me darling *You have the best compliments *I love dancing with you best *You smell good . . . at first, I thought that might sound weird but . . . it's true, so oh well :)
*Because of this moment...
*You believe in me *You have dreams *You're kind and compassionate *You're romantic *You're optimistic *I love your blonde curly hair and beautiful blue eyes *You write poetry and read to me *You have an incredible work ethic *You love to listen *You're genuine and happy *You have a deep spirituality that awes me *You introduced me to Pho and got me to try cow intestine
*Because of this moment . . .
*You love cultures *You like my compositions
*You're involved *You're adventurous *You're confident *You're dedicated *You respect women *You make me feel calm *You taught me to meditate *You taught me to appreciate anime *Honestly, cliches put aside you inspire me *You're like a puppy, playful and impossible to be upset with *I love when you hold me and play with my hair *You have a wonderful appreciation for the gospel *You're social *You know what it means to really live *You love your family *You were genuinely excited to meet my family *You like taking pictures *You love learning *You support me *I love hearing you speak Arabic *You're willing to try new things *You're loyal to your friends *You make everyone feel good about themselves *You're constantly striving to be better *After I kiss you I always want one more *I love your style *You keep a journal *You come up with the best dates *You'll be a good dad *You love hiking and being in nature *You're accepting of everyone
*Because of this moment . . .
*I love listening to you sing *You look great in a white shirt, sleeves rolled up with bracelets on, and jeans and converse *You wear cool scarves *You're a good cook *I love hearing your mission stories *You love tickling me *You've seen hardship and have a deep empathethy for it *You get excited over the little things *You're really good at showing affection *You're just really fun *I can dress up or down and know you'll think I'm pretty regardless *You're capable of making a difference in the world and in the lives of every individual you come in contact with *I think your comments during movies are really entertaining *You're an active part of your ward, and any organization or class you become a part of *You make me think *You've got amazing self-control *You're responsible *You have a beautiful testimony and relationship with the Savior *Because you introduced me to the Moores *You're considerate *You love meeting new people and have a way of putting everyone at ease *You have a care free way about you *My favorite part of everyday (besides all my other favorites) was your random fact(s) of the day *When I'm with you it's like nothing else in the world matters *You have a beautiful way of describing things *You take time to make sure everyone is taken care of *You're creative and artistic
*Because of this moment . . .
*Missing you is worth every memory and future moment *You never cease to amaze me...or intrigue me for that matter *I can't help but smile and even laugh when I think about you *Time spent with you could never be long enough *Holding your hand . . . yeah pretty much the most comforting thing ever *You're adorable *I love making you laugh *You make me giddy
*Because of this moment . . . actually, this whole day.
*You pull off glasses great *I love the way you say "c'est la vie," "awesome," and when you're voice fluctuates *I love hearing you talk about Claire and Amanda *Sometimes...actually most of the time it's really hard to think straight when you're near me *It's easy to adore you *You adored me from the start *I don't have to prove myself for you to love me
*Because of this moment . . .
*You never gave up, even after I turned you down 13 times *You introduced me to Matisyahu and Eisely *I love your lava-lava *We had a duel *Because you shot me in the side *The guilty smile you gave me after you shot me in the side is adorable *And even better the way you said "I love you" making it so I couldn't be upset *Your sincerity *Your mischievousness *You taught me how to throw you even though I can't do it very well
*Because I'll always remember this moment . . .

*I love the sound of your voice *You taught me to flip your Butterfly Knife *You care about my opinions *You've helped me learn more about myself *You taught me what it means to love and be loved *You taught me that it's possible to be vulnerable yet secure *You taught me that the Lord's will is nothing to be frightened of *You're good at communicating *I've already stated this but it needs to be known that I adore your curly hair :) *I can be myself around you and know you'll love who I am *You adore your mother *I love the way you look at me *I love the way you say my name *We make memories *You love me *I love you.
I hope Jerusalem is a wonderful experience and know that someone very far away is thinking about you on our 192nd day.
Love, Natalie Cherie
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