Thursday, May 31, 2012

19 Wooden Dolls

The past two days I've worked a little more than 12 hour days. It's been exhausting, but rewarding. In the mornings I helped take down our City Pool's "Bubble" in preparation for the Summer season and in the evenings I've been training in my new position at Cafe Rio. After day two I'm thoroughly sun-burnt and sore. The knots in my back would be unbearable except that I'm used to the seemingly chronic tension in my back muscles. I also got a super cool bruise from dropping the weight of an overly-heavy bench on my see I'm not totally useless upper-body wise, but I'm so much stronger in my legs that I tend to resort to them. And I, unfortunately, got in a bit of trouble for not reporting my injury since I heard something kind of squish weird when it dropped. Yeah, it bruised fast, but it didn't hurt that bad and I've had worse so I figured I'd be fine and it wasn't a big deal...well think again, because today I was kindly and firmly informed otherwise. Does sunburn count as "injury" cause I'd love to get workman's compensation for that! ;) I'm also starting to catch on at Cafe Rio too! Supposedly I'm learning really quickly and I really enjoy the environment and the employees. I think as far as work goes it's going to be a really good summer. Oh and McKenzie and I got to go to the college ward together! I had fun going "Indian" style and I got a new calling! Ward Music Chairman, so we'll see how that goes. :)

I am officially 19! It's taken a few days to sink in, mostly because when I woke up on May 28th I didn't feel any different. This is what usually happens on my birthdays, no sudden transformation or epiphany of defined maturity, so I wasn't really surprised that I felt quite unaffected when I woke up. It actually reminded me of a passage I'd read by Sandra Cisneros called, "Eleven."

         "What they don't understand about birthdays and what they never tell you is that when you're eleven, you're also ten, and nine, and eight, and seven, and six, and five, and four, and three, and two, and one. And when you wake up on your eleventh birthday you expect to feel eleven, but you don't. You open your eyes and everything's just like yesterday, only it's today. And you don't feel eleven at all. You feel like you're still ten. And you are--underneath the year that makes you eleven.
         Like some days you might say something stupid, and that's the part of you that's still ten. Or maybe some days you might need to sit on you mama's lap because you're scared, and that's the part of you that's five. And maybe one day when you're all grown up maybe you will need to cry like if you're three, and that's okay. That's what I tell Mama when she's sad and needs to cry. Maybe she's feeling three.         
          Because the way you grow old is kind of like an onion or like the rings inside a tree trunk or like my little wooden dolls that fit one inside the other, each year inside the next one. That's how being eleven years old is.
         You don't feel eleven. Not right away. It takes a few days, weeks even, sometimes even months before you say Eleven when they ask you. And you don't feel smart eleven, not until you're almost twelve. That's the way it is."

These feelings set aside I had a wonderful birthday. The day was incredibly relaxing watching Monte Carlo while posting about poetry. Having a family barbeque and party and taking a walk with Mom and Brittney while Tanner played Frisbee Golf with Jason and McKenzie and Dad was exercising. Tanner gave me the complete Sherlock Holmes Collection and Brittney helped finish off my Jane Austen Collection with Northanger Abbey and my parents with Mansfield Park and Persuasion. I also got money to do with whatever helps me the most whether that's books, clothes, or other random expenses that seem to consistently pop up. I got tons of birthday wishes via Facebook and text which actually touched me quite a bit and I got an email from Spencer which I'd been hoping for, and looking forward to, all week. But soon McKenzie left, back to Rexburg, and the day was over. I was able to talk to Sarah on the phone as a perfect ending to the day, and my special day had passed.

The way time passes has intrigued me lately. In the moment time moves so slowly, yet looking back it passes quicker than we'd realized. I'm nineteen...somehow that doesn't quite sink in. My last year of being a teenager, a time in my life I thought would never pass, and here I am on the cusp of a whole new adventure. How is it that I feel no different yet I know if I could have seen myself now, even a few years sooner, I wouldn't have recognized myself? Time passes quickly, and I ask, will I keep up? Time passes slowly, and I ask, will the agonizing wait ever end? Time it is sudden, in a blink it is gone, but time it can crawl, in a moment too long. Time ever passes, it ticking away, so savor each moment cause time, it won't stay. A measurement of man to help us to see, the vastness of being, of time, of eternity. I still feel so young, at other times I feel old. A bridge to a new world? Or the last whispers of a past that's now cold... At times I am confident, and I stand with nothing to hide. At other times my nineteen years " pennies in a tin Band-Aid box" not much inside. I wonder can I do it? Whatever this year holds? You see, I'm nineteen. Just nineteen wooden dolls. And somehow...somehow that doesn't quite sink in.

-Natalie Cherie

Monday, May 28, 2012

Breathe-In Experience, Breathe-Out Poetry

Last night while sitting in the living room we were having a normal Sunday evening. We'd all gone to church, eaten dinner, had our home teachers over, visited Grandma and Grandpa Harman, and had a family council (when we plan our week). As we sat in the living room the usual Sunday necessitates bed time. My family all goes to bed at 9:00 pm so with a family prayer and kisses and hugs and "I love you, good nights" we all head to bed. But this night was different, for the next day was Memorial Day and no one had school. So how did we spend our precious and new-found hours? We read poetry.

My Dad, actually, was the one who initiated the poetry reading. With our entire family, all seven of us together and returned to visit from college, sitting close so we could hear my Dad began to read out of his old leather-covered poetry book. They've always been two of my favorite books. Covered in stretched and hand stitched leather, it's embossed with floral patterns and my Dad's initials B.T.H. I actually loved these books so much my Grandma Harman went out and found me the same two books at a garage sale and bought them for me. They're very old, one from 1927 and the other from 1951. They have the smell of years in the pages, a smell I can't quite describe, and the pages are yellowed with edges worn to the softness of fleece. I too have covered them with hand-stitched and hand-carved leather to help save the breaking bindings and follow in my Father's footsteps.

What is it about poetry that has touched me so? In the past year, I've realized that my love of poetry is not entirely self-made. Perhaps an innate love was born in me somewhere, but a realized passion has been molded by the hours of my Daddy reading to us. Reading of tales of bravery and patriotism, quips of cleverness, and traditional orations with the coming holidays. I've long since cherished the tenderness of his voice as he sheds a tear and chokes back raw emotion as he reads of the goodness of men, of what we'd all like to be, and the words that we all understand.

This has begun a tradition for me. Without even comprehending the trend I've found that the men in my life have all read me poetry. The men most dear to my heart have at least one thing in common, they read to me. My Daddy on a Sunday Evening or a holiday, for every special number in Family Home Evening, and sometimes just because. Upon coming home from college Tanner sat me down and read me his favorite poetry from J.R.R. Tolkien. He has since begun to write poetry and will often come to me with questions of diction and rhythm. And it's truly beautiful poetry, poetry I wouldn't expect from a twelve-year-old. Even Jason will sit me down and read me his precious books he carries everywhere and sleeps with. And I fall in love all over again every time Spencer reads to me. Rudyard Kipling, The Little Prince, or Linden Hills. I remember one of my favorite dates we were sitting in the lobby of my building and he pulled out his book of poems and poems he'd written on his mission and he read to me for the next hour or two. Perhaps it's true, at least for me, that poetry is the fruit of love.

From a random person who I don't know I found this statement on poetry, "In the code language of criticism when a poem is said to be about poetry the word "poetry" is often used to mean: how people construct an intelligibility out of the randomness they experience; how people choose what they love; how people integrate loss and gain; how they distort experience by wish and dream; how they perceive and consolidate flashes of harmony; how they (to end a list otherwise endless) achieve what Keats called a "Soul or Intelligence destined to possess the sense of Identity."

In not so many words, Wadsworth described poetry as, "the spontaneous overflow of powerful emotion." And Muriel Rukeyser, a modern female poet, famous for her poem "To Be a Jew in the Twentieth Century" said, "Breathe-in experience, breathe-out poetry."

Perhaps this is why I love poetry. It gives understanding and meaning to all experience and captures the passion all can relate too. For sharing with me this love of poetry I will be forever grateful to the men in my life, my Daddy, Tanner, Jason, and Spencer.

Now for my favorite poems...there are too many so here are just a . . . few. ;)

*The Highway Man (Alfred Noyes)  *The Lady of Shalott (Lord Alfred Tennyson) *Sonnet 116 (William Shakespeare) *When I Have Fears (John Keats) *Apostrophe to the Ocean (Lord Byron) *Annabelle Lee (Edgar Allen Poe) *The Raven (Edgar Allen Poe) *O Captain, My Captain (Walt Whitman) *Horatius (Lord Thomas Babington Macaulay) *The Wreck of the Hesperus (Henry Wadsworth Longfellow) *Bright Star (John Keats) *Ode to the West Wind (Percy Bysshe Shelly) *Ode on a Grecian Urn (John Keats) *Ode to Autumn (John Keats) *Sonnet 130 (William Shakespeare) *The House by the Side of the Road (Sam Walter Foss) *Mother o' Mine (Rudyard Kipling) *Somebody's Mother (Mary D. Brine) *Somebody's Darling (Anonymous) *The Gettysburg Address (Abraham Lincoln) *The Crisis (Thomas Paine) *The Preamble (Thomas Jefferson) *The Declaration of Independence (Thomas Jefferson) [especially second paragraph] *Holy Sonnet X (John Donne) *The Bait (John Donne) *To Be a Jew in the Twentieth Century (Muriel Rukeyser) *Invitation/I Don't Care (I don't know, Spencer might, since I first heard it from him) *The Road Not Taken (Robert Frost) *Still I Rise (Maya Angelou) *Landscape with Yellow Birds (Shuntaro Tanikawa) *Mezzo Cammin (Henry Wadsworth Longfellow) *Forgetfulness (Billy Collins)

-Natalie Cherie

Kia Kaha

The other night my family and I watched Forever Strong for the first time. It was an amazing movie and has definitely made my favorites list. I think what touched me the most was the motto of the Highland Rugby Team, "Kia Kaha, Forever Strong."

At one point in the movie when Rick is in prison, his Dad comes to talk to him and they begin to argue about Highland Rugby and the influence the coach, Glewicx, has had in their lives. Rick says,
          "He was doing what was best for you and the team."
           "No, no Gelwicx stole my life." yells his Dad.
           "Well he's given me mine back, I play for Highland, I am benched for drugs and alcohol, suspended for lying, I don't do anything to embarrass myself, my team, or my family not anymore, Highland Rugby Kia Kaha."

This quote really touched me. It made me reflect on my actions and the way I represent my team. After all, do we truly know which team we're on? Do we think about the way we represent ourselves, our families, and our team? What are we willing to do or give up for the cause? Are we willing to stand up for what we believe in the face of anything? Can we truly claim the motto, Kia Kaha?

As Coach Glewicx said, "I want you to be forever strong on the field so you'll be forever strong off it."

Becoming strong in all we do, solid, and dependable, forever strong. Kia Kaha.

Anyway, just food for thought . . . oh and I absolutely love the Haka.

-Natalie Cherie

Monday, May 21, 2012

Going Vintage with Lipstick!

So Brittney and I decided to have a huge vintage photo shoot. It as super fun, especially the part where I got to choose her clothes and do her make-up. And of course, the best part of any vintage look is the lipstick! I love lipstick and Brittney and I rocked it...perhaps we were just born in the wrong era. I'm definitely leaning towards the 40's on this one.

So for this set of pictures, I decided to go for the army cadet look. After all, with the 40s came the end of World War II. this is obviously not what any woman in the war would have looked like since they generally served with the Red Cross, so we'll just pretend. By the way, in the top right-hand corner I'm flying my airplane . . . just thought you'd like to know. :)

And finally a truly vintage look with crazy red hair. I'm still in denial since I've never seen my hair show up this red before in any picture. It was kind of like the first time I saw Lucille Ball from "I Love Lucy!" in color. Shocking? I agree. :) But no matter by this time Brittney and I were seemingly delirious and couldn't stop laughing except for the famous picture frame shot, thank heavens. ;) We were also very hyper due to . . .

THIS DESSERT!!!! Yes, I made it, and yes, it was indeed fantastic! :) And yes, the boys were very excited! Anyway, it was an epic day with an adventure into the past and delicious dessert. Enjoy!

-Natalie Cherie

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Love is a Duet

I've never been one to openly long for the cliche but I've always secretly been a very deep romantic. I give Paige the credit for bringing this characteristic out in me. Though I have often proven to be skeptical of the idea of true love I've always been captivated by the kind of love that supersedes distance and remains true through any difficulty. In a world where love is sold nightly and thrown away daily, I think it is crucial that we remember what we are all looking for. Traditional practice such as dating, courting, asking father's permission, maintaining chastity, and even our definition of marriage are viewed as old-fashioned and outdated yet these things are the things that create a classic romance. One cannot long for the cliche knight in shining armor, white charger and all, unless they live and expect the character necessary to achieve it.

I think Shakespeare says it best in his 116th Sonnet: 
Let me not to the marriage of true minds
Admit impediments. Love is not love
Which alters when it alteration finds,
Or bends with the remover to remove:
O no! it is an ever-fixed mark
That looks on tempests and is never shaken;
It is the star to every wandering bark,
Whose worth's unknown, although his height be taken.
Love's not Time's fool, though rosy lips and cheeks
Within his bending sickle's compass come:
Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks,
But bears it out even to the edge of doom.
   If this be error and upon me proved,
   I never writ, nor no man ever loved.

 Is it truly so cliche to long for love at first sight? Or the kind of love that makes you dance in the rain, smile and laugh when no one's around,? The kind of love that makes you dream for the first time, and makes you dance and skip as you walk? The kind of love that makes a home in your heart and mind to never leave again.? Perhaps the cliche is not ridiculous or unachievable. After all, it would not be cliche if it was not spoken of so consistently as the ideal...what we all really want. And perhaps it happens more than we think. 

I mean that's what love is. Love is a duet. The intertwining of two hearts to become one. Your best friend and the one person who might know you better than you know yourself. The person you'll always love, always need and always want.  The one person you'd give everything to and trust completely because you know they'll always be there, "For better for worse, I've got you." 

I often say the phrase, "I love love." And it's true. The most beautiful things in this world are the eyes of those in love. Holding hands, a homecoming, the last dance, a kiss goodnight or a knowing look. Watching someone receive a letter, giddily hiding a love note, or laughing at an inside joke. Shakespeare said, "They do not love that do not show their love. The course of true love never did run smooth. Love is a familiar." And I think that's what everyone wants. The familiar voice, form, and hands of someone to help them overcome anything, to leave a note just because, and spend the rest of eternity with. I know that's what I want and I don't think we should ever forget what we are all working for. The perfect duet, singing even when separate and dancing even when difficult. A Love worth every beautiful moment of eternity, and a feeling that it would still not be long enough.

This is an episode off of a series called Legion of Extraordinary Dancers. I think it beautifully illustrates the powerful connection created in love.

-Natalie Cherie

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Reminiscing over Italian Food

Today I cooked . . . a lot! I spent the early parts of the morning job hunting and applying seemingly everywhere. I'm pretty sure I've officially bbrokenthe 100 businesses-applied-to mark if not more. Afterwards ,I had a fantastic headache so I laid down and took a nap, something I haven't done in forever it seems. When I woke up I was quite famished so I went to the kitchen and decided to work some magic. I haven't really gotten to cook anything since coming home from college which has been quite alright with me until today. I was hit with a sudden attack of nostalgia and felt the need to make pasta (Annica this is your fault!). Thus, I got to work making Manicotti. This is the perfect meal to make when thinking of Annica because it uses the main ingredients of pasta, Italian seasoning, and spinach. But of course I couldn't stop there so I began making pumpkin chocolate chip cookies, and pumpkin chocolate chip bread, and eventually took the extra hamburger and made tomorrow night's dinner, Swedish Meatballs. This whole time I'm suffering from a severe case of nostalgia, thinking back on the many times I'd cooked with Paige and Annica, made pasta with Spencer and of course tried his surprisingly good vinegar (by the way white peach vinegar on ice cream is a little weird but definitely worth trying just giving you all the heads up), and when I ate Italian food at the dinner before Festival of Nations. Indeed it is a lot of remembrances to be remembered from a little Italian food.

Soon it was time to go to Brittney's concert. It was Choir Night, the last concert of the year. I was able to see all my old choirs perform and many of my younger friends as well. I even cried during Chamber Singers performance of Prayers of the Children. During the applause, I "yetied" and was excited to see all my friends' heads turn, recognizing my yeti call, and trying to search me out. Getting to hug Ashley, Averey, Erik, Tyson, Amanda, Melissa, Johnny, Kaylee, and Larissa, talking to Mr. Casperson and just being back was amazing. I couldn't help but reminisce about all the fun times I had last year and wish that Sarah was back here with me. But upon returning home to finally eat my delicious manicotti I was once again happily surprised by how content I was.

It reminds me of a song I wrote the summer after I graduated. It's called Memories and the chorus goes like this:

Life is making memories of people, places, moments, things,
That made an impression and taught a valuable lesson.
Never waste the time you'be been given, it's precious like the air you breathe in.
What matters the most are all the things that go into you Memories.

I was once told by someone very dear to me that "Love is measured by the memories you share." Love is memories. I've always loved that idea because in that statement we find support, comfort, and opportunity. By looking back on past friends, loves, and relationships we can find comfort in the memory for we were loved. By nurturing the friends, loves, and relationships we have now we find strength and support in our daily endeavors. And by looking towards future friends, loves, and relationships we face endless opportunity to create more memories. An endless circle of memories, love, and possibility; beginning for me with a little bit of pasta.

-Natalie Cherie

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Guns and Cows? Only in Idaho . . .

Tanner, Jason, and Brittney in the Snake River Canyon
So last Friday I got to go on a date with Will Kezele. It was super fun! We started out at Cafe Rio, a local Mexican Restaurant. Then we headed across the bridge to the shooting ranges out in the fields. Luckily, he'd brought handguns so I could aim at least a little. I'm right handed but left eye dominant so when shooting or doing archery I have to shoot left handed so I can align my sights with my left eye. In archery this poses no problem, I just get to shoot with a left-handed bow, awkward feeling most definitely, but hey at least I can aim. But when shooting rifles, it's always a hassle. Almost all guns are right handed (at least the ones I've shot with) and so I generally can't hit a thing or have to shoot a right handed gun left handed.
Handguns pose no such problem! I can align with my left eye while holding with my right hand and do great. I think my favorite gun to shoot, or at least the one I'm most accurate on would be a Glock 9 mil. but revolvers make you feel so cool! It's kind of that Sherlock Holmes feeling or perhaps I should say Judd Law since he generally handles the revolvers. The trigger is a little heavy which was weird to get used to but the concussion from the shot is awesome. Unfortunately about half way through our shooting a cow appeared at the top of the range. We couldn't shoot for fear of a bullet ricocheting off the rock and into the cow and because it had two calves and we were afraid it would charge in defense of them, and then Will would have to shoot it. Due to open range laws in Idaho, the law would probably favor the cow and its owner and not us. Thankfully the cow eventually left but not for long. On our way out we were trapped by a bunch of cows on the road. One cow was being super stubborn so it just stood there for the longest time, staring down our car, but not without getting all the other cows out of the way first. It jumped on one of the cows standing by it! It literally jumped on the other cow, yes, it was quite startling.

Living in Idaho has always been an experience, made better by the fact that my entire family loves to make fun of it, but now that I'm back from Utah I am reminded just how different things can be. Idaho has a singular beauty. Harvest season is my favorite time of year here, when the winter's dead, brown fields are suddenly alive with the swaying greens and golds of wheat, alfalfa, and corn. Crop dusters and huge irrigation pipes are everywhere turning our desert into a farming empire. Out in the country seeing families riding horses down the road is common and getting stuck behind a 5-10 mph tractor is an evil necessity. Southern Idaho is also almost totally flat making it perfect for tumbleweeds (very unlike the mountains in Utah). A lot of kids come to school in their cowboy garb and hunting clothes, and occasionally a kid will get in trouble for forgetting to take their hunting rifle out of their car (and yes, I've even seen duck whistles, camping axes, and hunting knives). Eating potatoes with every meal is no big deal, I mean potato donuts...delicious! The County Fair is the highlight of every year and half of the kids at school are simply not there because they're selling their cows and competing with livestock. Windy days are every day at an average of 10-20 mph and occasional microbursts with winds from 50-75 mph are not really so surprising anymore. At an Athletic Coach banquet I attended with my dad, they served us thick slabs of venison deer meat, and having political views contrary to the stereotypical republican candidate is practically a sin. And yes, one can even witness a cow molesting another cow. Suddenly the phrase, "Only in Idaho . . ." has more meaning cause some things are really found only in Idaho.

-Natalie Cherie

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Ode to my Mother

I find that with another year has come another Mother's Day, and I'm once again contemplating what it means to be a  Mother and truly appreciate my Mother. We have all heard the countless talks on the divine roll of Motherhood and the effort required to rear children with the unconditional love unparalleled by all but the Savior. And that is what I'd like to focus on: the unconditional love of the Savior being endowed upon the head of all Mothers.

Rudyard Kipling once wrote:

If I were hanged on the highest hill,
Mother o' Mine, O mother o' mine!
I know whose love would follow me still,
Mother o' mine, O mother o' mine!

If I were drowned in the deepest sea,
Mother o' mine, O mother o' mine!
I know whose tears would come down to me,
Mother o' mine, O mother o' mine!

If I were damned of body and soul
Mother o' mine, O mother o' mine!
I know whose prayers would make me whole,
Mother o' mine, O mother o' mine!

If we reread the poem and put in 'Savior' instead of 'Mother' the message remains the same. Why, in the make-up of our being as mothers, would the Father bestow on us the defining characteristic of the God Head: infinite and unconditional love? We as women have been entrusted with an errand of the utmost importance. We are to rear the precious souls of God's children, in other words, we are to change the world. "By small and simple things are great things brought to pass." Alma 37:6-7. We are the means by which to raise a righteous generation, to mold the valiant spirits we are given into Disciples of Christ.

This is what my mother has taught me. In the heart of my Mother, you find all the love, worries, and good intentions one heart can hold. You'll find never-ending prayers and the unparalleled willingness to do whatever we needed and sacrifice everything she loved for our well-being. And I can truly say with the Stripling Warriors, "We do not doubt our Mother's knew it." Alma 56:48.

I know that by coming to know the love of a Mother we come to understand the love of the Savior. I know the Savior gives a special ear to the prayers of Mothers. One mother can, through the lives of her children, change the world. Mothers are the backbone of all legends and all great men and women. I'm so grateful for my Mother and all that I am today because of what she has taught me.

I love you, Mom.

-Natalie Cherie

Monday, May 7, 2012

My Title of Liberty

Last week in Sunday School (I go to mission prep, by the way, I'd never been before so I thought why not!), my teacher Morgan Godfrey was talking about Captain Moroni's Title of Liberty and asked us to all come up with our own Titles of Liberty. He suggested they be action-oriented statements of how we wanted to live and bold declarations of what we believed. So I wrote it the next Sunday morning so I didn't have as much time to think about it as I would have liked but this is what I came up with.

My Title of Liberty

I am a disciple of Christ.
I will always stand for truth, regardless of the consequences.
I believe, I know, and now I will act.

In defense of my Spirit, I will diligently study the scriptures, learning lessons from a people of long ago.
I will have meaningful and conversational prayer with my Father in Heaven every day so as to stay within the reach of the Holy Spirit so that my footsteps might be guided towards consistent righteousness.

In loyalty to my God, I will go to the temple every week and move forth this work on both sides of the veil. I will keep my body physically fit and my mind sharp and learned so that I might more fully pursue my infinite potential and be prepared to do whatever the Lord asks of me at any moment.

In pursuit of my life's purpose and mission, I will seek to learn from every experience and every trial. I will seek to live every moment to the fullest and love more than my greatest capacity to love. And if I touch but one soul I will have been successful in my quest.

In bold declaration of my faith, I will publish glad tidings and peace. Jesus Christ is our Savior and I know he will deliver me, though the very jaws of Hell gape open, ready to swallow my being, for I am on his errand and nothing can stop this work from rolling forth to the four corners of the Earth. I am ready to stand. 

For I am a disciple of Christ.
I will always stand for truth, regardless of the consequences.
I believe, I know, and now I will act.


-Natalie Cherie

Saturday, May 5, 2012

A Girl's Night Out

The girly-est I've ever gotten and of course, it's with Sarah!
So today was a great day! I was able to workout with Brittney which was fun since I've been working out alone lately. Then I went and helped my mom mow the lawn of one of her visiting teachers. She's a widow that can't get out of her house and is almost totally blind so we help with the upkeep of her yard. That left my muscles feeling like death so I recovered while taking a long and amazing shower. At 4:15 I had an interview at Hastings, a local book/movie/music/media store. I ended up having to walk there because the radiator of our van went out, or something of that nature, the other day and we're still waiting for it to get fixed, but walking was actually really nice so it wasn't a big deal. The interview ended up being a group interview with seven of us answering random questions, to give the interviewer a look into our personalities and really just trying to leave a good first impression. Luckily, I was one of the two he asked to come back for a second interview so I'll be going in for that, more in-depth interview, on Monday so wish me luck! :)

Afterward, we had our annual girl's night out. We get out more than once a year I assure you but every year the night of the Father and Son's Campout we always make sure to go do something fun. Usually, it turns out to be a fiasco. One year our car broke down, and another year we had to escape into a friend's house because we were being followed home. This year this tradition remained and the boys weren't able to go due to Tanner's Soccer game so they went to The Avengers instead. And because we only had one car, because of the van's radiator problem, us girls opted to have our girl night tonight instead of last night. Back in January Brittney won a gift card to a local restaurant at a JIVE performance so we went out to eat and I had a great time telling them all about the foods I've tried since going to college including Quinoa, Pho, Cow Intestine, Calamari, Crab, and Shrimp (I know it's not as exotic but I'm not big into seafood so I still count it). Upon coming home we sat down and watched the latest episode of Once Upon A Time. It was so good! The cliffhanger was killer and it seems like all is lost for the trapped characters of Storybrook. With only two episodes to go, I can't wait to see what happens! Of course, I can't put in any spoilers so I'll just leave it at that very vague description of why I'm so excited.
A Tea Party with Brittney

So tomorrow night we're feeding the missionaries which is always a big deal. It's tradition to make a fantastic meal and keep them for hours telling stories and learning all about their lives. Tomorrow should be just as fun and even better since Tyler, a guy that graduated with me and works out with my dad will be joining us. Due to some circumstances, I know hardly anything about he hasn't been to church in awhile. He had my dad confirm him at his baptism last year so he's going to start coming to church with my family and tomorrow is his first Sunday with us.

Well, I should probably head to bed...wait! Landon's going to Tokyo, Japan! What!!?!?!  That's so cool. :) Oh and just in case you hadn't heard yet, Spencer he's reporting on July 25th I believe. :) Sorry that was a bit tangential but exciting none the less. Anyway, now I'm going to bed, bonne nuit.

-Natalie Cherie

Friday, May 4, 2012

192 Days of Being Lucky

As of May 5th, I will have been Lucky for 192 days. So I know that it's not technically May 5th yet but my reason for being lucky is waking up in Jerusalem as I go to bed in Twin Falls, so I thought I'd post a little early. 

So some background . . . a couple of days ago I was listening to 192 Days by Eisley.

...and I started wondering when the exact moment I started loving you was...
Well, I finally pinpointed the exact moment to Ghost Stories in the third room where Jenna was performing. We were putting up slides and talking about color and you jumped in with what I was saying. I was really surprised as I listened to you say exactly the right thing as if you were speaking to me. And that's when I realized I loved you. Well, that was October 27th, 2011 so I pulled out my phone and began counting the days. It turns out that 192 days is today for you, and tomorrow for me. And even though I spent most of those days running from, denying feelings for, and unsuccessfully avoiding you, I have spent each of those 192 days (sometimes regrettably but always absolutely) loving you.

This is why I feel so lucky.

*You're my best friend  *You make me laugh  *I trust you completely  *You're open-minded  *You waited for me  *You're gentle but strong and safe  *We spar and wrestle!!!  *You're intelligent *You introduced me to folk dancing  *You make me want to be better  *You call me darling *You have the best compliments  *I love dancing with you best  *You smell good . . . at first, I thought that might sound weird but . . . it's true, so oh well :)

*Because of this moment... 

*You believe in me  *You have dreams  *You're kind and compassionate  *You're romantic  *You're optimistic  *I love your blonde curly hair and beautiful blue eyes  *You write poetry and read to me  *You have an incredible work ethic  *You love to listen  *You're genuine and happy  *You have a deep spirituality that awes me  *You introduced me to Pho and got me to try cow intestine

*Because of this moment . . .

*You love cultures  *You like my compositions
*You're involved  *You're adventurous  *You're confident  *You're dedicated  *You respect women  *You make me feel calm  *You taught me to meditate  *You taught me to appreciate anime  *Honestly, cliches put aside you inspire me  *You're like a puppy, playful and impossible to be upset with  *I love when you hold me and play with my hair  *You have a wonderful appreciation for the gospel  *You're social  *You know what it means to really live  *You love your family  *You were genuinely excited to meet my family  *You like taking pictures  *You love learning  *You support me  *I love hearing you speak Arabic  *You're willing to try new things  *You're loyal to your friends  *You make everyone feel good about themselves  *You're constantly striving to be better  *After I kiss you I always want one more  *I love your style *You keep a journal  *You come up with the best dates  *You'll be a good dad  *You love hiking and being in nature  *You're accepting of everyone

*Because of this moment . . .

*I love listening to you sing  *You look great in a white shirt, sleeves rolled up with bracelets on, and jeans and converse  *You wear cool scarves  *You're a good cook  *I love hearing your mission stories  *You love tickling me  *You've seen hardship and have a deep empathethy for it  *You get excited over the little things  *You're really good at showing affection  *You're just really fun      *I can dress up or down and know you'll think I'm pretty regardless  *You're capable of making a difference in the world and in the lives of every individual you come in contact with  *I think your comments during movies are really entertaining  *You're an active part of your ward, and any organization or class you become a part of  *You make me think  *You've got amazing self-control *You're responsible *You have a beautiful testimony and relationship with the Savior  *Because you introduced me to the Moores  *You're considerate  *You love meeting new people and have a way of putting everyone at ease  *You have a care free way about you  *My favorite part of everyday (besides all my other favorites) was your random fact(s) of the day  *When I'm with you it's like nothing else in the world matters  *You have a beautiful way of describing things  *You take time to make sure everyone is taken care of  *You're creative and artistic 

*Because of this moment . . .

*Missing you is worth every memory and future moment  *You never cease to amaze me...or intrigue me for that matter  *I can't help but smile and even laugh when I think about you  *Time spent with you could never be long enough  *Holding your hand . . . yeah pretty much the most comforting thing ever  *You're adorable  *I love making you laugh  *You make me giddy

*Because of this moment . . . actually, this whole day.

*You pull off glasses great  *I love the way you say "c'est la vie," "awesome," and when you're voice fluctuates *I love hearing you talk about Claire and Amanda  *Sometimes...actually most of the time it's really hard to think straight when you're near me  *It's easy to adore you  *You adored me from the start  *I don't have to prove myself for you to love me 

*Because of this moment . . .

*You never gave up, even after I turned you down 13 times  *You introduced me to Matisyahu and Eisely  *I love your lava-lava  *We had a duel  *Because you shot me in the side  *The guilty smile you gave me after you shot me in the side is adorable  *And even better the way you said "I love you" making it so I couldn't be upset  *Your sincerity  *Your mischievousness  *You taught me how to throw you even though I can't do it very well 

*Because I'll always remember this moment . . .

*I love the sound of your voice  *You taught me to flip your Butterfly Knife  *You care about my opinions  *You've helped me learn more about myself  *You taught me what it means to love and be loved  *You taught me that it's possible to be vulnerable yet secure  *You taught me that the Lord's will is nothing to be frightened of  *You're good at communicating  *I've already stated this but it needs to be known that I adore your curly hair :)  *I can be myself around you and know you'll love who I am  *You adore your mother  *I love the way you look at me  *I love the way you say my name  *We make memories  *You love me *I love you.

I hope Jerusalem is a wonderful experience and know that someone very far away is thinking about you on our 192nd day. 

Love, Natalie Cherie

Thursday, May 3, 2012

La Vie En Rose

So today I've had a very relaxed day. I was able to work 14 hours over the past two days in a temporary position, helping Deseret Book get ready to open here in Twin Falls. It was nice to have something to do and be busy.

I've also gotten back into running which has been wonderful. I used to run constantly but in the 7th grade my arches fell due to bad shoes and I've struggled with ankle pain, loose knee joints, and shin splints ever since, I'm not sure why maybe it just triggered something. But this inability to run has opened up the door to swimming which has been wonderful. In coming back home for the summer though I decided that it was time to get back into running regardless of the pain. Luckily it seems as though dance has strengthened the muscles around my joints and running was, for the first time in years, fun and not painful. Now I've been able to go running for the past three days. The first day I went running in the morning which was calming, fresh, and enlivening. The next day I ran in the evening and found it to be more relaxing, and a nice way to wind down from the day. Today I ran in the afternoon and found that it was still nice but not a very good time for me, so the morning and evening it is!

Yesterday was the best run I've had thus far. The rhythm of my stride and breath was liberating and the strain on my sore muscles was pleasant in a way. I ran down to the Temple and was able to just walk around the temple grounds. I sat by the fountain for a while and meditated, emptying my mind and drinking in the spirit of the grounds. Afterward, I softly sang "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing" and ran back home as it was getting dark.

Oh and a bit tangential but I'm still looking for work, so I would be most grateful for any prayers since finding a job has proven to be more difficult than I anticipated.

 I also watched Sabrina today! I hope everyone's seen it but if not it's a movie, with Julia Ormond, and Harrison Ford, about a girl, the chauffeur's daughter, who goes to Paris and finds herself. She then comes home and has to discover what it means to love, and teach Linus, the oldest brother in the millionaire family, what it means to live. Well, of course, being the romantic I am, I absolutely love this movie! It's infused with the most beautiful music, and themes. It gives light to the idea that sometimes we have to find ourselves by being taken from all that's familiar; the idea that love is unexpected, maybe not even what we want, but what we all so desperately need. And of course a reminder of what it means to truly live.

I really hope I get to see Paris someday and sit at a café table, writing my thoughts, while listening to someone play La Vie En Rose. I hope to walk along the bridges and through the parks in the rain, and visit the little shops and simply listen to people talk. Maybe I'll get to live in an attic, where I can see the Eiffel Tower from my little window, and live the Bohemian lifestyle I've always dreamed of. Peut-être un jour.

À Bientôt!

-Natalie Cherie