Thursday, February 7, 2013

Looking in a Mirror

Today I went shopping for a wedding dress . . . okay, that's a lie. I started this post a couple weeks ago so as of now I went shopping a while ago. Now that that's all cleared up, back to my story.

So imagine that you're with me we're walking into a store. You're being followed by your roommate and two friends who are immensely and overwhelmingly more excited than you are, and to top it all off you feel almost sick and quite ignorant as a cheery young woman singles you out with a "Who's getting married?" (high-pitched voice) and a "What type of dress are you looking for?" In short: I almost ran away. Good thing I was surrounded by overly-enthusiastic women.

Next, I dumbly point at dresses that "have potential" and am led to a dressing room. Then my assistant lady/girl (who was super nice by the way) starts asking about my fiance and I suddenly feel right at home. So, let's be real, the next hour was actually rather enjoyable. I'll totally admit it. The dresses were lovely, I felt great cause they all fit well, and my moral support and three-person strong cheering section were doing a capital job. But the moment I'll remember most vividly was the moment I first saw myself in a wedding dress.

I walk out of the dressing room, the girls all gasp, I blush, yadda yadda, and then I step up to the mirrors . . . At first glance, I didn't recognize myself . . . really. And then I thought I looked terribly young and quite out of place in my new found garb. But then, something clicked and I felt like a bride. Maybe it was the veil. Maybe it was picturing Spencer next to me. Maybe it was a million things, but regardless of the reason, it was one of my most favorite feelings to date.

Now for the sad part of the story . . . I'm poor. The end. No, actually the dress is just ridiculously expensive (over $1,000), but life goes on and more shopping trips will follow. So even though I didn't get a dress what I did leave with was an changed attitude. I can be a bride, it's okay to be excited about dress shopping (never thought I'd say that one), and something I already knew, Spencer's and my wedding day is going to be quite possibly the most marvelous day ever!

-Natalie Cherie


  1. "Let's be real", you look fabulous in that dress. I'm glad it went better than you may have expected! :)
