Monday, July 7, 2014

Becoming Published: My Continual Pursuit

Law and Disorder by Maynard Dixon (My essay is an analysis of this painting in a specific Honors format. It has been published in an online BYU journal for freshman honors papers.)

Becoming published is a dream of mine that I never thought I'd achieve. Now I realize that it is simply the dream I'll always keep pursuing. I first became published when I won second place for an Honors Paper when I was a freshman. I remember crying when I received the email letting me know. I'd felt like I'd arrived. and I had. But that accomplishment was not like crossing off the bucket list or checking the box for my "to-do's." Instead, I wanted to try again. So, that's what I've been doing. Here are my first two published essays. I hope they are of merit, and I can say for certain that they are polished drafts. I hope you enjoy them.

Ophelia's Grave by the Royal Shakespeare Company (This is a creative non-fiction personal essay about my experience coming to terms with life and death. It was published in the online edition of BYU's Inscape, the on-campus literary journal.)

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