Monday, August 6, 2012

Auld Lang Syne

For starters, though I'm sure we've all heard it, I think we should all take a moment to listen to this song again . . .

It's an old Scottish poem by Robert Burns and literally translates to Old Long Since. I like to think of it as long ago. Anyway, I was listening to the song on my drive home and it inspired this poem. I wrote two separate poems which you can read right side or left side but if you read it like a book, left to right, the two poems intertwine . . .

The day is long.                                                                                             I wait to meet.
The night is short.                                                                  For all is there.
The time draws nigh.                                    My future wrought.
The phase of fear.                 Oh, will we fair?

Auld Lang Syne I loved you then. Auld Lang Syne shall never end.

The sun still shines.               I will endure.
The tides still roll.                                           Till waiting ends.
The seasons change.                                                           It’s all of worth.
The growth of love.                                                                                        And all will mend.

Auld Lang Syne I love you then. Auld Lang Syne shall never end.

While it's true that this is traditionally a New Year's Eve song, I'd like to put it into a different context. When life moves on, times change, and the sand of the hourglass runs thin we can all look back to the memory of Auld Lang Syne and find the strength to wait, the courage to move forward, the hope that our future will be brighter. 

-Natalie Cherie

1 comment:

  1. I love your poem! A) it's really cool. B) it's very meaningful. Thank you!
